The Power is in the Partnership: Families as Partners in Bilingual Bicultural Family Literacy Programs

Educating the social work community on relevant issues facing the Latino/a community. Encouraging Latino/a students to pursue higher education through mentoring. Eighty-four percent of respondents are not trained to translate English forms or other materials into another language. Social workers are often unaware that they can become trained/certified translators. Social workers who are certified should be compensated for this additional training. They are also often unaware of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of l964 government regulations around language use, as well as NASW Standards for Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice , particularly Standard 9, on Language Diversity.

I was left to my own accord to figure out what I needed to do to get into a college. brazilian courtship traditions My parents had too much faith in me and I lacked the maturity to value the importance of attending college.

  • Dr. Debbie Youngblood, who is Executive Director of K-12 Educational Services, asked me to be involved in this project.
  • Spending family time together can help maintain communication with your parents and keep family connections strong despite bicultural life challenges.
  • Approximately 130 questionnaires were mailed to NASW-CT membership with Latino and Asian surnames.
  • Immigrants are usually influenced by more dominant values that they have learned in their native cultures.
  • I know for a fact that I spend much more time working with my clients than those whose clients are only English speaking.
  • Couples who engaged in “everyday biculturalism” tended to mix each other’s’ cultures as they lived out their day to day lives .

The more you suppress, the harder it is to establish real connections. What values are most important to you – in terms of your career, spouse or as a parent. How do you navigate difference in values and priorities in your family? May be you’re expected to stay close to your family members, but instead you desire to pursue your own path, and move across the country. Xiomara Batista feels unheard and unable to hide in her Harlem neighborhood. Ever since her body grew into curves, Xiomara Batista has learned to let her fists and her fierceness do the talking.

The more they alternate between them, the more cognitive complexity they face, since they avoid cultural duality and do not practice handling both cultures at the same time. It is through identity integration that they will be able to solve the problem and alleviate the tolls that come with identity plurality. Bicultural identity also may have positive effects on the individual, in terms of the additional knowledge they acquire from belonging to more than one culture. Furthermore, with the growing number of racial minorities in American society, individuals that identify with more than one culture may have more linguistic ability. Carrie Lara, PsyD, has been working with children in various community mental health settings since 2005. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology through Alliant International University of San Francisco in 2009. Her specializations are working with children and families, child and human development, foster and adoptive youth, learning disabilities and special education, attachment-based play therapy, and trauma.

Bicultural Latinos embrace dual identities, shun pressure to assimilate

By celebrating a child’s unique individual culture and highlighting the beauty both cultures can bring into their lives, you are celebrating the beauty of your child. An entire generation of children, adolescents and young adults has been caught in the crucible of increasing criminalization of immigrants coupled with neoliberal globalization policies in Mexico and the United States. These are first- and second-generation immigrant youth who are bicultural, often bilingual, but rarely recognized as binational citizens in either of their countries.

Parenting Context and Youths’ Bicultural Competence Development

We came empty-handed to the U.S., and my parents had to do everything. I saw in my parents the determination and hard work of building a new life at middle age. I noticed that their once privileged lifestyle changed to one of simplicity and sacrifice. I noticed the tension and frustration they experienced as they tried to navigate in an English-only society when their language skills were so limited. I witnessed all of these changes at a very young age and took it upon myself to be a good student to please them and bring them happiness, as that really was a true source of joy for them — my success in school. The story is laced with a lot of Spanish words that children will easily remember.

Bilingual, Bicultural, Not Yet Binational: Undocumented Immigrant Youth in Mexico and the United States

The survey is for bilingual/bicultural social workers regardless of ethnicity. It is important to understand that many of the individuals and families social workers serve come from traditionally oppressed, very poor population groups. Even for individuals and families who may be in the U.S. for many years and speak English and appear acculturated, cultural backgrounds and experiences need to be understood. Often, bilingual/bicultural social workers serve as a bridge between the client, the agency, and the community. Bilingual skills, without bicultural understanding, may not be sufficient. The Bicultural Service Navigation program provides tools and opportunities to improve participants’ knowledge of and ability to access community resources. We provide those services through education, navigation support, and case management.

Or it can be covert, such as being excluded in a game on the playground, or dropped from a social group. Fostering positive conversations and development around cultural identity with your child builds a strong foundation of the cultural self and helps protect against these unfortunate experiences. This project represents an attempt to recognize and address some of the workplace issues confronting bilingual/bicultural social workers. If changes in agency policies and practices can result from some of the data and recommendations from this report we will have accomplished the goals of this endeavor.

In early 2004 the Network began to discuss workplace issues that are specific to bi-lingual/bi-cultural social workers. From initial discussions we found that certain workplace issues and concerns were common amongst bi-lingual/bi-cultural social workers that cut across workplace settings. Based on these discussions the Network sought to identify information and workplace standards related to bi-lingual/bi-cultural social workers, only to find that very little data existed. This in turn led to the development of a research project that culminated with the issuance of this report. Maybe it was in the 18th century when this phrase was first coined.

There was only one other Vietnamese child in my second grade class and she served as my translator. I was tired of having other children make fun of us when we were speaking in our native tongue. So I listened, memorized, and mimicked everything I heard in English.
